Accurate financials. Historical records. Closeouts for each group of cattle. Profit and loss statements. Your ag lender wants it all.
Getting documents and numbers in order can seem daunting, but tools like Performance Beef make the process a lot easier. 
Here’s what customers have to say: 
  • “Being able to show our banker the close-outs on groups of cattle has helped us secure a bigger line of credit. They like having that information and we can know down to the dollar what the cattle are making.” - Joe Brattin, Missouri
  • “My banker gave me approval for a new deep pit barn on the spot after looking at 3 years worth of Performance Beef.” - Adam Winkelman, Illinois
  • “We have actually doubled in size since we started using this software with our custom feeding. It’s easier to track feed on those cattle and days in the feedlot rather than pen and paper.” - Tanner Bilinski, New York
  • “Really satisfied with Performance Livestock Analytics. I know exactly what it’s costing me to feed my own herd. Was able to take on more custom critters because of it as well. Always second guess myself doing it with pen and paper. With a few easy clicks of a button on Performance Beef, it takes the guesswork out of the equation.” - Braden Nuesch, Nebraska
  • “Started with a bucket, moved to a Kelly Ryan by the bucket load, then got scales on a mix wagon. Instantly got Performance Beef and grew our operation another 500 head. Real easy to use even with an older dad who doesn’t like any tech. Lowered feed cost for a bigger line of credit. Easy for us to pull up the app and show them our costs as well.” - Adam Eiberger, Missouri
  • “Each year we try to add 70 to 100 head depending on the situation, and this past summer, we put up a fairly good-sized barn, too. We've obviously leaned on a bank through the process of it and I give a ton of credit to Performance Beef for pretty much everything.” - Paul Dunnebeck, Michigan
  • “The banks and accountants love the info I can easily share with them. The instant access to inventory and head counts make things very transparent.” - Matt Booth, Nebraska
  • “Because of how Performance Beef tracks our feed inventories, it shows how much extra feed we have to the banker. We are also able to know exactly what we have going into our finishing lot that helps us make purchases with the bank. That’s a lot of help.” - Travis Walton, New York
  • “It does give our banker confidence when we can show him true numbers from the system.” - Chance Popham, South Dakota
  • “Tracking inventory and just looking year after year how much I feed helped us get more credit because we knew the exact numbers. And being able to look at the numbers off of a closeout, it’s easy to tell how much per head would be needed for credit. When we talk about accounts receivable it’s super easy to pull up or email them and look at inventory for balance sheets.” - Derek Pohl, Nebraska

Interested in learning more about how Performance Beef could help you and your operation grow? Get a demo and explore the app yourself


Our digital demo walks you through popular functions in our app, helping you visualize how it can easily become part of your day-to-day tasks.